Privacy Policy

Easykamety. (“Easykamety”) welcomes you to enjoy our services and software(collectively, the “Easykamety Applications”) available through social networking websites, such as Facebook (collectively, “SN Websites”). Thousands of people use and enjoy “Easykamety” services, apps, and products daily. We truly appreciate your faith and reliance on our company. These privacy policies apply to our company only. We do not take any responsibility for third-party apps, websites, or products through which our company website, products, or apps are accessible. You accept “Easykamety” is not responsible for such third-party apps’ security and privacy practices. 

“Easykamety” is committed to protecting your privacy. This Privacy Notice applies to data collected by “Easykamety” through your use of “Easykamety” websites and any other such service provided by “Easykamety” through “Easykamety Applications” (collectively, the “Service”). Client data protection is our utmost

Personal Information Collection

While using any of our services, you are not required to provide us with any of your details directly. We use only the information you have already provided to Facebook or any registering app while making an account with those apps. We use only the information that you have provided them to share. It may or may not be limited to your first name, your profile picture, your liked pages, your gender, your friend list, and the network you use ( Altogether, your consented information). Additionally, we may collect the following “User Content.”

– Through Navigation

While using “Easykamety Applications,” we use the information associated with messages and invitations you provide to other users. It means the navigation you do while using “Easykamety Applications” (Respectively, your In-Apps Actions). Few standard browser information, like IP addresses, browser, and time spent. We may collect information from publicly accessible sources, such as comments and blogs. 

– Consent

Using or accessing “Easykamety Applications,” you expressly grant us permission to gather and use your Submitted Information and User Content (collectively, the “Information”) in connection with “Easykamety Applications.” Furthermore, you accept and acknowledge that “Easykamety” may, but is not bound to, keep copies of your information forever or delete some or all of it as we see fit. The terms and conditions of privacy and use policies of SN Websites (collectively, the “SNW Policies”) through which you access “Easykamety Applications” should be carefully examined, per our advice. Before accessing and using “Easykamety Applications,” you must read and accept the corresponding “SNW Policies.”

– Advertisement purpose

We may use and gather your information to provide tailored or custom promotions according to your liking and engagement. These are compiled by your personalization while using our services.

– Cookies

The cookies are online information packs used to gather information to enhance the user experience and designated knowledge. Again, it is your decision whether you accept or reject the cookies. However, rejecting the cookies will result in a non-uniform user experience. 

– Kids and Parents

“Easykamety” does not intentionally or knowingly share the details of children under 13 years of age. We recommend all parents tell their children to refrain from providing any real information on these apps. Unknowingly, sometimes, children enter critical details in third-party apps. “Easykamety” is firmly concerned about its users, so we recommend meticulously taking care of these guidelines.

Sharing Personal Information

“Easykamety” does not currently, and will not in the future, provide any personally identifiable information to these third-party ad networks or ad servers without your consent. However, if an advertiser asks “Easykamety” to show an advertisement to a particular audience (for example, men ages 18-24) or audience segment (for example, women ages 32-40 who have viewed specific media content), and if you acknowledge that advertisement, then the advertiser or ad server may resultantly see that you fit the description of the audience they are trying to reach. In case of any issue, you should better consult the respective privacy policies of third-party ad networks or ad servers, as we are not responsible for their actions. 

Regarding protecting intellectual property or other rights, “Easykamety” engages with all law enforcement investigations and other parties to ensure adequate measures. 

Your Choice

The information provided to “Easykamety” for usage is your choice. You can change your consent anytime and amend your provided information by selecting the settings and exercising them according to your preferences.

Data Reserve and Retention

As long as it takes us to provide you with the Services or as long as we have another good cause, we keep the personal data we collect following this privacy statement. We shall erase your data whenever we no longer have a continuing, legitimate business reason to process your personal information.


“Easykamety” does not collect all in- Apps actions. However, the In-Apps actions “Easykamety” collects are securely stored within our database. We use standardized, industry-wide practices such as firewalls, encryption, and (in certain areas) Secure Socket Layers to protect your information. However, as effective as encryption technology is, no security system is impenetrable, and “Easykamety” cannot guarantee the security of our database.

Comments regarding the Privacy Policy

“Easykamety” always appreciates the comments regarding this Privacy Notice. If you have queries regarding this Privacy Notice, please contact us or e-mail